19 October 2016

#4 There’s One Princess That Doesn’t Need Saving

(Josie Sayz: This is the fourth poem from my anthology, ‘Rollercoaster Rainbow’. This poem was inspired by a negative mood from society in relation to the portrayal of women still being damsels in distress and how women are still sucking up to it. I had also been listening to ‘The Dollyrots’ ‘Eat My Heart Out’ a lot and was hugely inspired by ‘Skinny’. p.s. I love fairytales.)

The story starts with
Once upon a time.
But this fairy tale’s not
Your usual kind.
Locked away,
I’m not waiting for a prince.
Guess this story is one
You won’t wanna miss.
Forever locked away,
In a tower far away.
Left there to be saved,
By someone royal and brave.
Long distance he’ll be journeying,
And dangerous obstacles occurring,
With dragon fire burning –
Well, there’s one princess that doesn’t need saving.
Why must royalty always
Be forced into wed?
Why can’t they let me make
My own decision instead?
Why is it that
Independence is seen as bad?
If I don’t pick a suitor
The King and Queen will sure be mad.
Forever locked away,
In a tower far away.
Left there to be saved,
By someone royal and brave.
Long distance he’ll be journeying,
And dangerous obstacles occurring,
With dragon fire burning –
Well, there’s one princess that doesn’t need saving.
You need to hear me out,
Because I can live without
A knight in shining armour.
I don’t need any help.
I can save myself.
No room for a stuck up charmer.
Forever locked away,
In a tower far away.
Left there to be saved,
By someone royal and brave.
Long distance he’ll be journeying,
And dangerous obstacles occurring,
With dragon fire burning –
Well, there’s one princess that doesn’t need saving.
There’s one princess that doesn’t need saving.
There’s one princess that doesn’t need saving.
I’m the one princess that doesn’t need saving.
- Josie -

#3 Not a Love Song

(Josie Sayz: This is the third poem anthology, ‘Rollercoaster Rainbow’. I was kind of inspired by Austin and Ally’s friendship early on in ‘Austin & Ally’, as well as Maddie and Diggie’s friendship at the beginning of ‘Liv & Maddie’.)

I guess we’ve kinda been talking
For a while.
And when we do, you always seem to
Make me smile.
But that doesn’t mean we are
Anything more
Than the co-worker friends
We were before.
Don’t offer me a drink,
Nobody needs to know.
Don’t give me a wink,
Nobody needs to know.
Don’t you single me out,
Nobody needs to know.
Don’t you give me a pout,
Nobody needs to know…
Not a love song.
Just because you drop me home
At my door,
Doesn’t mean we’ll be together
Forever more.
Don’t want people to think
That we’re together.
Just because we spent one day out
In nice weather.
Don’t put your hand on my back,
Nobody needs to know.
Don’t help me out with my task,
Nobody needs to know.
Don’t say you’ll join in my hike,
Nobody needs to know.
We’re only in like,
Nobody needs to know…
Not a love song.
I’m not even sure,
If this could be more –
It’s much too early to tell.
Sometimes I think
I might be out of my mind;
It’s like you’re under a spell.
Don’t make me turn pink,
Nobody needs to know.
Don’t let them double think,
Nobody needs to know.
Near me don’t hang about,
Nobody needs to know.
In a crowd, don’t shout me out,
Nobody needs to know…
Not a love song.
Not a love song.
No, we’re not a love song.
Not a love song.
This is not a love song!
Maybe it’s a like song
- Josie -