18 February 2016

#TBT – Crop Circles

(Josie Sayz: I just came across an absolutely awful flash fiction piece that I wrote over ten years ago that got published in a local Junior-Tales book. I have no idea how it managed to get published – there must not have been many entries… either that or everyone else’s work was worse than mine. I honestly believe that this is the worst thing that I have ever written in my entire life… yet it got published. Anyway, it seemed a little Throw-Back-Thursday-esque, so I thought I’d share it… despite how awful it is. The flash fiction piece can be found here: JosieSayz, (2005). Crop Circles. In: Young Writers, (2005). T.A.L.E.S Totally Amazing Little Exciting Stories, p66.)
(Josie Sayz: Edit: I should point out that the theme was explaining cases of the supernatural, with a word limit. I actually feel rather foolish, putting it up here, but I was a little kid, so don’t judge me!)

Crop Circles
Ghostly, grim, ghastly gusts of terrifying winds surprisingly sprung upon the park’s grass field, on the night of the full moon. A high-pitched squeaking could be heard from the far distance. A massive, gigantic thing was hovering above the ground. A UFO! A real life UFO was loitering… landing. Suddenly a tremendous rocket-ike sound boomed from the air. Stenches of stinky, smelly smoke polluted the fresh park air. The spacecraft has taken off. No one would know that it was there… or would they?
          A crop circle! There left on the ground was a crop circle. No one knew where it had come from. Of course it was made by a UFO (an unidentified flying object, a flying saucer). It had to be a flying saucer. The crop circle roughly measured 250 feet long. A huge circle, surrounded by miniature circles and stars was swirled into the grass. Whoever knew that the aliens could make such interesting shapes and with such a magnificent flying saucer?
          Who could ever have imagined that there really are little green guys with extended index fingers that live among us, but up there in our solar system? Well now, it is proven that there are aliens. Crop circles indicate that an alien spacecraft has recently landed. The spaceship leave an imprint of what the alien spacecraft looked like underneath. There are hundreds of things for us yet to find out about the formations of crop circles created by our alien friends, but this is just the beginning.
- Josie -

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