21 December 2020

MJs Hogwarts Journal Chapter 24

Monday 11th November
This morning, I poured myself a bowl of cornflakes as the owl post arrived. Squawking overhead, the birds flapped about, malting a few feathers amongst the room, as they came to land by those who had post. Jed’s small speckled bird perched on the edge of the juice jug and dropped an envelope down in front of me. “Good girl, Peg,” Jed beamed as he stroked his owl’s head. “Not even an inch within my food.” Looking down at the envelope my eyes widened.
“It’s for me?” I gasped. I stared down at the envelope, before looking at Jed.
“Well…” he said, staring back at me. “Open it.”
I knew by staring at the handwriting on the envelope that it was a letter from Viki. Tearing it open, I made sure that I read it all through first before revealing anything to Jed. Who knows what my sister could have written? She apologised for the late reply, but said that Dad was against sending a letter with an owl. He had tried to get her to take it to a Post Office, like everyone normal, but it was Mom who managed to convince him that the Post Office might frown at the address and think it were a little strange, so he agreed to let Viki use Peggy.
She said that she and Mom were ever so proud of me for learning so many new things and how happy they were that I’ve already made lots of new friends. Viki told me that she knew that Dad was secretly proud too – he just didn’t want to admit to the fact that his daughter was a witch. I guess I’m okay with that. It wasn’t like I was after a huge congratulations and open arms. I just wanted to let them know how I was doing.
There wasn’t much to what she wrote. Most of Viki’s letter was her saying how jealous she was that I get to be a witch and cast magic spells and fly on broomsticks, while she’s stuck at home, in boring school with ordinary English, Maths and Science SAT’s to study for. I don’t think she quite grasped how difficult life is over here, but I’m not complaining. I wouldn’t give it up for the world. It really was nice to hear from her though. I found myself smiling from ear to ear all morning. Even Professor Snape’s stone glare and constant demand for improvement could not shake my smile.


Jed got detention. I’m not surprised really. He, Goyle and Trevor tend to be the regular pranksters – especially around Professor McGonagall. Trevor had already set fire to his textbook as he pretended to sneeze, but it was Jed’s spout of water that shot from his wand as he tried to make it look like sleeping Goyle had wet himself that earned Jed an evening’s detention with the professor. “Mister Edwards, what are the policies about messing around with magic in the classroom?” Professor McGonagall demanded as she towered over him.
“Only practise the spells in the classroom?” Jed responded with a cheeky smile. The professor sighed at him.
“Detention, Mister Edwards, is no laughing matter,” she told him with her stern stare. “You too Mister Goyle,” she said as she hovered over Gregory. “Detention. My office, straight after dinner.”


“It wasn’t that bad,” said Jed as he returned to the Slytherin Common Room, with Goyle, at seven o’clock. After dinner I had joined Scarlett, Pansy and Blondie around the fireplace in the Common Room. The four of us had been talking, whilst we waited for Jed and Goyle to return. Sitting down on the sofa arm next to Scarlett, Jed said, “She only had us clean her office,” with a shrug.
“Wiv no magic,” Goyle grumbled, as he stood beside Pansy.
“It wasn’t too bad,” said Jed, as I looked over at him.
“Well try not to make a habit of it,” I warned him.
“Nah, it’s fine,” Jed said. “The Weasley twins get into trouble all the time an’ they’re still here. Besides, it’s not like I did anything bad.” Scarlet gave a little giggle. I rolled my eyes – she was encouraging him. But in all fairness, the prank was pretty funny. I know of a certain individual or two that I’d like to try that spell on. Not mentioning any names of course.

- Josie -

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