29 March 2021

MJs Hogwarts Journal Chapter 38

Saturday 25th January
Jed got himself another detention. I couldn’t moan at him this time though – it was on purpose. We really wanted to confirm what it was that we saw in the Forbidden Forest the other night. We were so scared, and we fled so quickly that none of us really knew what we saw. Recalling what Blondie had said about his detention in the forest, some of the things that he boasted about definitely seemed to relate to our story. The whole unicorn’s blood thing for one. Anyway, on Thursday night, Jed snuck out of the Slytherin Common Room after curfew. He was wandering the corridors, pretending to be sleepwalking and preying to get caught by the caretaker, Filch – which he succeeded. Jed was given a night’s detention with Hagrid and two Fifth-Year Hufflepuff students who had gotten into an argument and accidentally trodden on Mrs. Norris – Filch’s cat, in the process.
Meeting up with Josie in the library, Jed gave us the low-down on what happened last night. Sat on his chair backwards, Jed leant his arms against the back. “So we found it,” said Jed with wide eyes. “The dead one that we saw the other night. It ‘ad decayed a little since then. Some creature’d tried t’ eat some a the meat, but it was still there.”
“What did Hagrid say?” I asked him.
“He’s not sure what it is, but I do know one thing. Hagrid wouldn’t tell me in front a the others, but he said that it’s one a the biggest crimes this side a the unforgivable curses. Whoever’s doin’ it will be in a lot a trouble with the Ministry when they’re caught,” Jed told us.
“Is that all?” I sighed. It hardly seemed worth the detention.
“Well, ya know,” Jed shrugged. “I got see around the Forbidden Forest and get an idea of whatever-that-thing-was was doing. Like, creeping around the forest. Hiding in the bushes. Waiting for the unicorn t’ fall into his trap… that sorta thing. Hargid’s been trackin’ it.”
The whole time Jed was explaining himself, Josie sat flicking through a textbook. “I haven’t been able to find much out,” Josie confessed. “It’s just standard creature care in ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’,” she said, as she closed the book. “This one however,” she said as she brought a beige coloured book with black, swirly lettering out of her bag. “‘Magical Creatures’ mentions some of the uses for unicorn’s body parts once their dead, like the horn and tail, but nothing I didn’t already know.” She flicked through the pages, before returning the book to her bag. I frowned at her. That was a Dark Arts book – even I knew that. The thick, swirly, black lettering and the strange feathered symbols. And she already knew everything before reading it. Jed and I exchanged concerning glances, before we looked at her. Jed’s worried stare proved that my theory was correct. “What?” blushed Josie with a shrug. “I like unicorns, okay?” she mumbled, before sinking into her seat.
Aww… Josie likes unicorns. That’s sweet. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s like she’s a little kid to me sometimes. Okay, so unicorns are real, and you don’t have to be, like six years old, to believe in them, but it makes me feel like babying her a little. Not in a bad way, just in a she’s-my-cute-little-sister sort of way.
Jed let out a sigh. Hagrid’s kinda mad at me for getting detention though,” Jed confessed. “The sad part is that I couldn’t tell him it was all an act.” I did feel bad for him, but this was Jed’s idea. He came up with it and followed it through – it’s his own fault that he didn’t see through to the consequences of his actions first. Overall, we didn’t seem to be able to find anything else out. Jed’s detention didn’t teach us anymore than we already knew by being in the Forbidden Forest by ourselves for all of, what, three minutes. And Josie’s detecting through textbooks didn’t really bring light to anything. All we know is that something is out there, killing unicorns to drink their blood. That on its own is scary.

- Josie -

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