03 May 2021

MJs Hogwarts Journal Chapter 43

Sunday 9th March
I never thought this week was going to end. It’s been agonising on so many levels, it’s unbelievable. Jed and Josie still aren’t talking. Josie won’t even speak to me either. I haven’t seen her at breakfast all week, she’s only appeared at the Ravenclaw table during lunch on Wednesday and at dinner she sits on her own with her back towards us. She hasn’t even been sitting with Fabian or his friends. She won’t sit with us anymore in Herbology either; she’s moved to sit with Sherri and Lawrence – two Ravenclaws.
Jed doesn’t seem bothered by their argument at all. He just carries on as though nothing happened. He hasn’t made a single attempt to mention her, or even glance in her direction. But otherwise, he’s the same, old Jed. We laughed our way through Thursday morning’s Defence Against the Dark Arts and made fun of each other’s star charts in Astronomy. We teamed up with Seamus and Dean in Potions on Friday morning and the four of us almost managed to make Wideye Potion. Okay, so it didn’t turn the deep green that it was supposed to. We got a kind of navy colour, which was close. Professor Snape didn’t tell us off, anyway.
I’ve been struggling with my homework though. As we get closer and closer to our end-of-year tests our teachers have been piling more and more homework on us. It’s not fair. I don’t think it’s even all humanly possible to complete in time either. This weekend alone I’ve have a five parchment-long formula report to write for Professor McGonagall; three and a half parchments on the uprisings of Elfric the Eager (which I know nothing about and don’t understand the textbook in the slightest) for Professor Binns; two parchments on the importance of repotting Mandrake Sproutlings correctly and the dire consequences if you do not, for Professor Sprout; a four parchment essay on the dangers of not following textbook and classroom instructions when mixed potions, for Professor Snape; a two parchment essay on the difference between gnomes, doxies, imps and gytrashes and which defence spells are the best to use on them and why, that’s for Professor Quirrell and finally two and half parchments on the importance of the locking and unlocking charm verses the traditional lock and key method, which is more useful and why, for Professor Flitwick. How is one person supposed to be able to write all that in one weekend? And I have to keep my star chart up to date, as well as learn the names of all of the star constellation names for Professor Sinistra.
There was a Quidditch match yesterday too. With all of the homework we have you’d think that they wouldn’t have another game so soon. This one was Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff. We were routing for Hufflepuff, solely because we don’t want Gryffindor to have the chance at beating us. Sadly though, Hufflepuff just aren’t a great team. The match was kind of sad to watch. Hufflepuff got creamed, to put it politely. Gryffindor won one-hundred-and-eighty to twenty – Hufflepuff only got two points, because they got two penalty shots, because the Weasley twins beat the Bludgers into one of the Hufflepuff Chasers. The match was over after barely five minutes, when Potter grabbed the Snitch. I guess it was just as well that it ended so quickly, what with how poor Hufflepuff were and with the amount of homework we all have. I guess Potter did us all a favour.


I wrote to Viki today. I pretty much told her everything that I’ve just written down in here. I guess I just felt like I needed someone to talk to. Someone to tell me if I’ve done the right thing or not. Not speaking to Josie feels awful, but I couldn’t go without speaking to Jed either – the latter would be much worse, because Jed’s in all of my classes and breakfast, lunch, dinner and we share the same Common Room. And it was his birthday when they fought, after all. I have every right to take Jed’s side, right? Oh, I don’t know. I’m fooling myself here. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I just hope Viki gets my letter and replies fast, so that she can talk some sense into me.

- Josie -

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