15 October 2024

Donating My Hair

The last time I had my hair cut short was 2016. I have had a couple of inches taken off since, in 2019 and I did keep trimming my fringe until 2020. I decided in 2021 that I wanted to grow my hair to donate it. I had been saying for years that I was going to donate it, but I never felt ready to. Well, three weeks ago, things had been incredibly stressful at work (if you are interested, feel free to read my other blog post (Help with a Patronising, Condescending, Disrespectful Person:

https://josiesayz.blogspot.com/2024/09/help-with-patronising-condescending.html ). Work was making me suicidal and I needed something that would immediately pick me up. I had been disliking how I looked for a while. Growing my hair has mean that I kept having to tie it in a bun for work, which has given me a worsening receding hairline. I hated how I looked, how much it had been hurting to scrape back, and how heavy it was. It was a fairly spontaneous decision. I found out on the Friday that the hairdressers had a cancellation for the Saturday, so I booked it and had it all chopped off. The hairdressers, near me, does an 'Ex-Long Hair, To Short/Styled Hair' appointment, where they work with collecting and donating the hair that they cut. So, I went, and I had a lot chopped off. My mum took a couple of photos before and after, showing the difference in length. Not only am I proud of myself for doing it, but I feel a lot happier too, and I have my fringe back – yey! I feel like me again. This is, also, the first hairstyle I have had without layers, and I am loving it!







- Josie -

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