07 June 2021

MJs Hogwarts Journal Chapter 48

Sunday 20th April
Wow, it’s Easter! Mom and Dad actually sent me over a basket with lots of little chocolate eggs in it. I had written home a few days ago telling them that I wasn’t coming home for Easter, because I had too much revision to do and that I needed to be able to use the school library. They understood and sent me over an Easter present. I must say, I love chocolate. Jed and Goyle have gotten me really into ‘Chocolate Frog’ cards. Every time you eat a ‘Chocolate Frog’ (which is kind of difficult, because sometimes they try to leap away like a real frog) you get a card. I guess it’s a little like a Baseball Card or a Trumps Card, except you get a picture of a famous witch or wizard on them, telling you when they lived from and to, as well as a fact about them. Whenever the boys get a duplicate that neither of them needs, they let me keep it, which is amazing. So now I’m starting to collect my own set. Goyle says that collecting an entire set is impossible, because he has heard that there are almost five-hundred different ones, which would mean that you would probably have to eat over a thousand ‘Chocolate Frogs’ in your life time with how many times you are likely to get a duplicate.
I now have Alberic Grunnion (who invented Dungbombs), Albus Dumbledore (our Headmaster and considered to be one of the greatest wizards of modern times), Laverne de Montmorency (who invented loads of love potions), Wendelin the Weird (who apparently loved being burnt at the stake so much that she let herself get caught for being a witch forty-seven times – psycho) and Xavier Rastrick (he was an entertainer who mysteriously vanished in front of a crowd of three-hundred people in eighteen-thirty-six and was never seen again). They are pretty cool. Each card has its own moving picture too, just like the paintings, so it’s like I have my own mini collection of paintings too! How amazing is that?


Despite being hyper over Easter, my excitement left me as I looked up at the Ravenclaw table. Josie’s head appeared in my view. She was sat between Fabian and Malachi with her back towards me. My shoulders drooped as I sighed. “Just talk to her, MJ,” Priscilla hissed, as she elbowed me in the side. I shuddered as I turned towards her. “I know you miss her.”
“I can’t,” I sighed. “She won’t let me anywhere near her.”
“Today’s a day for celebration,” she told me with a smile. “We celebrate Easter because Jesus came back from the dead. Maybe you could rekindle your friendship too?” Wow. That was a really smart thing to say. That’s what I love about Priscilla, she may be a little annoying sometimes when she’s too close to Pansy, but when I really need her she always pulls through.
“Thanks,” I muttered. “But I doubt she sees it that way.”
“Do you want me to talk to her for you?” said a voice at my other side. Turning around I jumped. It was Blondie. Jed had been there just a moment ago. Glancing down the table, it looks like Jed and Blondie swapped places.
“Sorry?” I muttered shaking my head. Seeing Blondie so close in front of me, my cheeks turned red. I definitely had not heard him right, that was for sure.
“I said: do you want me to talk to Josie for you?” he said again.
I found myself blinking repeatedly, as my mouth fell open. As I stumbled with a sentence, Malfoy just sat there, waiting for my reply. “I… I… that would be amazing… but,” I stuttered. “Why?”
“Because,” he said with a shrug. “You’re miserable.” I stared at him in awe. He’d done it again. He was able to know exactly what I was thinking. How is that even possible? “You all are,” he went on. “I could try and see if I can persuade her to see sense.”
“Really?” I gasped, smiling at him. “You would do that?” Seeing him smirk, the smile drained from my face. “Okay Malfoy, what’s the catch?” I sighed.
“Oh MJ, do you really think so little of me?” he asked in a sort of sing-song voice. He wasn’t taking me seriously at all.
“Come on Malfoy,” I sighed at him again. “What do you want?”
“Nothing,” he insisted, throwing his palms up in surrender. “I just hate seeing you guys so unhappy.”
Folding my arms, I turned to Priscilla to see what she thought. She shrugged, “What have you got to lose?” I guess she was right. Turning to Blondie I sighed, giving in.
“Fine,” I muttered. “But you have to promise me that you won’t upset her,” I warned.
“Course not,” he said. Seeing me frown, he rolled his eyes. “Fine, I promise, okay?” I forced myself to smile at him and nodded. What good Blondie would have speaking to her if I couldn’t I’ll never know, but it was worth a try.

- Josie -

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