17 August 2018

KH3 Theory Week: Was the Keyblade War Really that Ancient?

(Josie Sayz: This is part of a mini-series that I’m working on, pondering over various theories surrounding the characters and events that may be revealed in ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ when it is released at the end of January next year. These theories are meant to be just light, fun and speculation – none of this if fact nor is it meant to be taken seriously. Today I am going to look into whether the Keyblade War, in the ‘Kingdom Hearts’ universe, really happened so long ago.)

Throughout the ‘Kingdom Hearts’ series there have been various mentions of ‘The Ancient Keyblade War’. This war is said to have happened many, many, many years ago – possibly even several hundred years ago. It is said that the Keyblade War began in the, “age of fairy tales.” It happened so long ago that hardly anyone is said to remember anything about it. One person who does remember, however, is Kairi’s grandmother. In ‘Kingdom Hearts I’ Kairi’s grandmother tells the story of how years ago the world was whole and full of light. Then one day, people became greedy and wanted to collect the light for themselves. This greed triggered darkness in their hearts (which we know from Master Yen Sid and Master Xehanort that this led to the Great Keyblade War. After the war, the worlds were divided and have remained separate ever since. Light lived on in the hearts of children, and that is what helped to restore the, now, fragmented worlds. If the worlds have been separated for so long and generations of families have come and gone, would everyone just be so absorbed in their own world/story that the notion of the world’s ever being linked is beyond them? Take any ‘Disney’ world (other than Atlantica) for example. Their world revolves around the story of their film – no one knows about another world (other than King Triton – I would love ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ to have done something with his knowledge of the keyblade and other worlds. It’s a shame that this opportunity has been passed up). Donald and Goofy even warn Sora about meddling in the affairs of other worlds when they are travelling, as they have to protect that world’s order. So, by this, you would be under the impression that the war happened centuries ago However, if Kairi’s grandmother (and perhaps even Master Yen Sid) can remember or at the very least knows about ‘The Ancient Keyblade War’ is it really ancient?

In ‘Kingdom Hearts Union X’ it is stated that after the Keyblade War, the Chirithy erase the memories of those who could remember any of the events surrounding the war (e.g. your playable character) – as the Chirithy are a type of Dream Eater. The memories were erased by the Chirithy to try to make it so that any part that of the war/ anything surrounding the events that their owner remembers, is considered just a bad dream. No one remembers it, as they were forced to forget. All thoughts about it were forcefully erased from their memory. Could this not create the illusion that the Keyblade War was nothing but a fairy tale that happened long ago? Master Xehanort and/or Master Eraqus may have even been very young children during this time.

I do believe that Kairi’s grandmother was present during the era of the Keyblade War, which is why she knows so much about it. Why is it only she who remembers and no one else, I hear you ask. Perhaps Kairi’s grandmother held onto her memories stronger than anyone else, just as her light was probably stronger than anyone else’s. There is also a theory out there that Kairi’s grandmother is Ava, but that would be a theory for another time.

What do you think? Do you believe that the Keyblade War was an ancient battle that happened centuries ago, or do you believe that the children who survived the war were forced to forget it, believing that their dreams or faint memories of it were only stories from long ago? Do you think that Kairi’s grandmother was present during the time of the Ancient Keyblade War? Are you one of those whom believe that Kairi’s grandmother is Ava? – If so, why? I’m really curious to know others’ opinions on this.

- Josie -

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