Sayz: This is part of a mini-series that I’m working on, pondering over various
theories surrounding the characters and events that may be revealed in ‘Kingdom
Hearts III’ when it is released at the end of January next year. These theories
are meant to be just light, fun and speculation – none of this if fact nor is
it meant to be taken seriously. Today I am going to look into who may be the 13
‘Seekers of Darkness’ in ‘Kingdom Hearts III’.)
Today, I wanted to look into something that I know will play a huge part in ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ and that is the thirteen ‘Seekers of Darkness’. We know that this is going to be the basis for the final battle at the end of the game, as ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ is said to be the end of the Xehanort saga.
So who are the thirteen ’Seekers of Darkness’? Some of these, we already have confirmed. I think that it is largely believed that anyone whom has been norted/become one of Master Xehanort’s vessels will be one of the thirteen ’Seekers of Darkness’ – Master Xehanort is trying to implant parts of his heart into twelve people (I say twelve as one is actually him) to form clones of himself, thus creating the thirteen dark hearts that are needed to create the true X-blade and pass through the doors to the true Kingdom Hearts, as it is said that the one who passes through the doors to Kingdom Hearts is able to remake the world as they see fit. We know what Master Xehanort’s goal is, but who are his chosen vessels?
1) Master Xehanort. It is obvious that one of the ’Seekers of Darkness’ must be Master Xehanort himself. He is the mastermind behind the operation. He is the one splitting his heart into thirteen pieces. As of ‘Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance’ he has returned.
2) Young Xehanort. He was a key player in 'Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance' and, through the use of time travel, gathered all forms of Master Xehanort to travel to meet in the one location at one time, in hopes of using Sora as their thirteenth vessel. He is also confirmed to not only appear in 'Kingdom Hearts III’ but is also a member of the thirteen ’Seekers of Darkness’.
3) Xemnas. Xemnas is Master Xehanort’s nobody (via Terra-Xehanort's body). He is the original leader of the original Organisation XIII. Although he was defeated in ‘Kingdom Hearts II’, Young Xehanort travelled back in time to before his defeat and brought him forward into the present. Therefore, he too will be a ’Seeker of Darkness’.
4) Ansem the ’Seeker of Darkness’. As his title suggests, Ansem the ’Seeker of Darkness’ is one of the thirteen ‘Seekers of Darkness’. He is Terra-Xehanort’s Heartless. As with Xemnas, despite being defeated, Young Xehanort travelled back in time and brought him forward, into the present, making him a vessel for Master Xehanort.
5) Xigbar/Braig. Braig was the first character that we saw give heart up as a vessel to Master Xehanort. We were introduced to him in 'Birth by Sleep' (the beginning of the Xehanort series). Throughout the 'Kingdom Hearts' series he appears as Master Xehanort's henchman or sidekick, following his orders. Although he claims that he has plans of his own, Braig/Xigbar became a vessel for Xehanort very early on - his eyes changed from brown to yellow and his ears became pointed. Does Xigbar/Braig plan to enter the doors of Kingdom Hearts for himself and saw becoming a part of Xehanort and following along with the master’s plans to be the only way to accomplish this?
6) Saïx/Isa. He was one of the original members of the original ‘Organisation XIII’. From the first time that we see Saïx, he is already norted/a vessel for Master Xehanort. He has the yellow eyes and elven ears. Although Saïx/Isa appears to be working very close with Xemnas (as his second in command), Saïx’s original goal was to get his and Axel’s hearts back. However, since Axel became close friends with Roxas and Xion, his friendship with Axel faded and he turned his full attention to helping Xemnas. Does Saïx want to help Master Xehanort or does he (like Xigbar/Braig) have plans of his own?
Those are the six ’Seekers of Darkness’ that have been confirmed. These next are just my theories and fun speculation. Please do not take what I say to be fact or completely write me off. This is just my opinion and just a bit of fun. I have not played the games in a while, so my memory of some of the characters is a little fuzzy in places, so do forgive me if I have not got everything spot on. This is just for fun. If you have your own opinions, I completely respect them, and encourage you to share.
7) Terra-Xehanort. In ‘Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance’, when Sora is about to become a vessel for Master Xehanort, Master Xehanort states that he now has two of the ‘Guardians of Light’ as his own. If one is Sora (which he does not get as Lea saves him), I believe that the other Master Xehanort is referring to is Terra, or more specifically Terra-Xehanort (or Terranort as I think some refer to him as). Will Terra manage to break away from Xehanort’s hold of his heart? Is it already too late for him? We know that Terra’s heart has ties to the darkness, so will he allow himself to be submerged by Master Xehanort’s heart?
8) Aqua. Unless you purposely avoided the three ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ trailer releases at ‘E3’, you will know that Aqua, the feisty hero that we all grew to love in ‘Birth by Sleep’, who kept fighting her way through the darkness to save her friends, has been norted. When King Mickey gets a glimpse of her, she replies, “Mickey you’re too late,” revealing to him (and the audience) her yellow eyes. Aqua’s change in appearance is very obvious to any viewer, as her eyes were once a very light, bright blue, however now they are the same glowing yellow as Master Xehanort’s. What has possessed Aqua to become a vessel for Master Xehanort? Did the darkness get to her? Or did Master Xehanort convince Aqua that he would lead her to Ventus? – even so, why would she chose to allow herself to be norted? Did the darkness consume her? Did her love for her friends fade after her time traversing the suffocating darkness?
9) Larxene. When we are re-introduced to Larxene in the ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ trailers, she appears to be the one running ‘Arendelle’, as we see her asking Sora whether Elsa will choose the side of light or darkness. An interesting thing that I noticed straight away when seeing Larxene is that (like Aqua), her bright blue eyes have been changed to yellow. Why would Larxene suddenly decide to side with Master Xehanort and Xemnas, after rebelling against ‘Organisation XIII’ and teaming up with Marluxia to overthrow Xemnas back in ‘Kingdom Heats: Chain of Memories’? It seems very out of character. After Larxene’s Nobody dies, did something happen to her Somebody that made her feel the need to become norted? Was she tricked into become a vessel for master Xehanort? Or does she have her own plan? Is she only pretending to follow Master Xehanort’s plan, but really intends to overthrow him and claim Kingdom Hearts as her own?
10) Marluxia. In the Japanese version of the ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ trailer, there is an extra scene that is not present in the English trailer. It is only three seconds long but shows Marluxia in the ‘Tangled’ world, with yellow eyes (2:24-2:27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFKlDX4vzz8). Similarly to me explanation with Aqua and Larxene, Marluxia used to have bright blue eyes and now they resemble Master Xehanort’s. But what could have possessed Marluxia to become a vessel for Master Xehanort? When we first met him in ‘Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories’, Marluxia was trying to overthrow the Organisation, so what would make him want to side with the ones he was once rebelling against? Perhaps something happened to his Somebody (Lauriam) after his Nobody was destroyed, which that made him change his mind and want to re-join with Xemnas and the other original members of ‘Organisation XIII’? Or does Marluxia/Lauriam have ties to Master Xehanort, from when the master visited his world to take Ventus as his apprentice? Was Marluxia/Lauriam jealous that Master Xehanort chose Ven over him? Did Master Xehanort promise Marluxia/Lauriam that he could become his apprentice if he became one of his vessels?
11) Luxord. To me, Luxord is a very mysterious character. I don't feel as though we know as much about him when compared to various other members of the original Organisation XIII. From his more kind-hearted nature towards Roxas, it would seem that Luxord was far from falling into deep darkness, as he can show kindness (in some way) – he even cries, “How could you Roxas?” when Sora defeats him. Then again, he did appear very loyal to Xemnas, as the purpose Luxord’s final battle with Sora in ‘Kingdom Hearts II’ is to prevent Sora from reaching Xemnas. Returning to the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ world in ‘Kingdom Hearts III’, Luxord’s pale blue eyes have been replaced with yellow. My guess is Luxord’s loyalty to Xemnas and the ideologies of the Organisation is what convinced Luxord to allow his heart to become a vessel for Master Xehanort.
12) Vanitas. Throughout ‘Birth by Sleep’ Vanitas appears to be easily led by Master Xehanort. Vanitas does everything the Master says, without question. He already has a dark heart, being as he is the dark half of Ventus’ heart. Combining his loyalty to Master Xehanort and his ability to control the Unversed, would this not make for a great vessel for the Master? I know that Vanitas’ existence ceased when Ventus fragmented his heart, however if/when Ventus’ heart is restored, might this revive Vanitas too? If so, I doubt Master Xehanort would pass up an opportunity to create a vessel out of this character, created from pure darkness.
13) I am leaving position thirteen open, as I do believe that this spot could be for a number of people. Could it be Ventus? Now that Master Xehanort has made a vessel out of Aqua, could he be using Aqua to find Ventus in order to make a vessel out of him too? Could it be Roxas? Xemnas and Young Xehanort seem keen on bringing Roxas back. Are they planning to make a vessel out of him? Could it be Replica Riku? Having made an appearance in one of the ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ trailers, might Replica Riku play a big part in ‘Kingdom Hearts III’. After all, he is his own character and has his heart deep in darkness. Could he be the ultimate vessel for Master Xehanort? Will Replica Riku face Riku in one of the final battles? Could it be Lea? Will Axel/Lea’s heart be dragged back to the darkness, because of his old friend Isa/Saïx or due to Roxas’ return? Now that Lea can wield a keyblade, will the Organisation recruit him back? Could the thirteenth spot be left for Sora? Although I would hate to think that our hero (whom we have been following for the last sixteen years) will give his heart to Master Xehanort – he almost did in ‘Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance’, so what is stopping it from happening again? Tetsuya Nomura has already revealed that long fans of the ‘Kingdom Hearts’ series will find the ending hard to accept. So, will Sora join the darkness? Will he be destroyed at the very end of ‘Kingdom Hearts III’?
I would love to know your thoughts on this. Do you agree with my list? Is there anyone I missed? Who do you think will be the thirteen ‘Seekers of Darkness’? Do you believe that Sora might become a vessel to Master Xehanort? Do you believe we may lose or faithful hero? Let me know what you think.
Today, I wanted to look into something that I know will play a huge part in ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ and that is the thirteen ‘Seekers of Darkness’. We know that this is going to be the basis for the final battle at the end of the game, as ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ is said to be the end of the Xehanort saga.
So who are the thirteen ’Seekers of Darkness’? Some of these, we already have confirmed. I think that it is largely believed that anyone whom has been norted/become one of Master Xehanort’s vessels will be one of the thirteen ’Seekers of Darkness’ – Master Xehanort is trying to implant parts of his heart into twelve people (I say twelve as one is actually him) to form clones of himself, thus creating the thirteen dark hearts that are needed to create the true X-blade and pass through the doors to the true Kingdom Hearts, as it is said that the one who passes through the doors to Kingdom Hearts is able to remake the world as they see fit. We know what Master Xehanort’s goal is, but who are his chosen vessels?
1) Master Xehanort. It is obvious that one of the ’Seekers of Darkness’ must be Master Xehanort himself. He is the mastermind behind the operation. He is the one splitting his heart into thirteen pieces. As of ‘Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance’ he has returned.
2) Young Xehanort. He was a key player in 'Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance' and, through the use of time travel, gathered all forms of Master Xehanort to travel to meet in the one location at one time, in hopes of using Sora as their thirteenth vessel. He is also confirmed to not only appear in 'Kingdom Hearts III’ but is also a member of the thirteen ’Seekers of Darkness’.
3) Xemnas. Xemnas is Master Xehanort’s nobody (via Terra-Xehanort's body). He is the original leader of the original Organisation XIII. Although he was defeated in ‘Kingdom Hearts II’, Young Xehanort travelled back in time to before his defeat and brought him forward into the present. Therefore, he too will be a ’Seeker of Darkness’.
4) Ansem the ’Seeker of Darkness’. As his title suggests, Ansem the ’Seeker of Darkness’ is one of the thirteen ‘Seekers of Darkness’. He is Terra-Xehanort’s Heartless. As with Xemnas, despite being defeated, Young Xehanort travelled back in time and brought him forward, into the present, making him a vessel for Master Xehanort.
5) Xigbar/Braig. Braig was the first character that we saw give heart up as a vessel to Master Xehanort. We were introduced to him in 'Birth by Sleep' (the beginning of the Xehanort series). Throughout the 'Kingdom Hearts' series he appears as Master Xehanort's henchman or sidekick, following his orders. Although he claims that he has plans of his own, Braig/Xigbar became a vessel for Xehanort very early on - his eyes changed from brown to yellow and his ears became pointed. Does Xigbar/Braig plan to enter the doors of Kingdom Hearts for himself and saw becoming a part of Xehanort and following along with the master’s plans to be the only way to accomplish this?
6) Saïx/Isa. He was one of the original members of the original ‘Organisation XIII’. From the first time that we see Saïx, he is already norted/a vessel for Master Xehanort. He has the yellow eyes and elven ears. Although Saïx/Isa appears to be working very close with Xemnas (as his second in command), Saïx’s original goal was to get his and Axel’s hearts back. However, since Axel became close friends with Roxas and Xion, his friendship with Axel faded and he turned his full attention to helping Xemnas. Does Saïx want to help Master Xehanort or does he (like Xigbar/Braig) have plans of his own?
Those are the six ’Seekers of Darkness’ that have been confirmed. These next are just my theories and fun speculation. Please do not take what I say to be fact or completely write me off. This is just my opinion and just a bit of fun. I have not played the games in a while, so my memory of some of the characters is a little fuzzy in places, so do forgive me if I have not got everything spot on. This is just for fun. If you have your own opinions, I completely respect them, and encourage you to share.
7) Terra-Xehanort. In ‘Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance’, when Sora is about to become a vessel for Master Xehanort, Master Xehanort states that he now has two of the ‘Guardians of Light’ as his own. If one is Sora (which he does not get as Lea saves him), I believe that the other Master Xehanort is referring to is Terra, or more specifically Terra-Xehanort (or Terranort as I think some refer to him as). Will Terra manage to break away from Xehanort’s hold of his heart? Is it already too late for him? We know that Terra’s heart has ties to the darkness, so will he allow himself to be submerged by Master Xehanort’s heart?
8) Aqua. Unless you purposely avoided the three ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ trailer releases at ‘E3’, you will know that Aqua, the feisty hero that we all grew to love in ‘Birth by Sleep’, who kept fighting her way through the darkness to save her friends, has been norted. When King Mickey gets a glimpse of her, she replies, “Mickey you’re too late,” revealing to him (and the audience) her yellow eyes. Aqua’s change in appearance is very obvious to any viewer, as her eyes were once a very light, bright blue, however now they are the same glowing yellow as Master Xehanort’s. What has possessed Aqua to become a vessel for Master Xehanort? Did the darkness get to her? Or did Master Xehanort convince Aqua that he would lead her to Ventus? – even so, why would she chose to allow herself to be norted? Did the darkness consume her? Did her love for her friends fade after her time traversing the suffocating darkness?
9) Larxene. When we are re-introduced to Larxene in the ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ trailers, she appears to be the one running ‘Arendelle’, as we see her asking Sora whether Elsa will choose the side of light or darkness. An interesting thing that I noticed straight away when seeing Larxene is that (like Aqua), her bright blue eyes have been changed to yellow. Why would Larxene suddenly decide to side with Master Xehanort and Xemnas, after rebelling against ‘Organisation XIII’ and teaming up with Marluxia to overthrow Xemnas back in ‘Kingdom Heats: Chain of Memories’? It seems very out of character. After Larxene’s Nobody dies, did something happen to her Somebody that made her feel the need to become norted? Was she tricked into become a vessel for master Xehanort? Or does she have her own plan? Is she only pretending to follow Master Xehanort’s plan, but really intends to overthrow him and claim Kingdom Hearts as her own?
10) Marluxia. In the Japanese version of the ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ trailer, there is an extra scene that is not present in the English trailer. It is only three seconds long but shows Marluxia in the ‘Tangled’ world, with yellow eyes (2:24-2:27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFKlDX4vzz8). Similarly to me explanation with Aqua and Larxene, Marluxia used to have bright blue eyes and now they resemble Master Xehanort’s. But what could have possessed Marluxia to become a vessel for Master Xehanort? When we first met him in ‘Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories’, Marluxia was trying to overthrow the Organisation, so what would make him want to side with the ones he was once rebelling against? Perhaps something happened to his Somebody (Lauriam) after his Nobody was destroyed, which that made him change his mind and want to re-join with Xemnas and the other original members of ‘Organisation XIII’? Or does Marluxia/Lauriam have ties to Master Xehanort, from when the master visited his world to take Ventus as his apprentice? Was Marluxia/Lauriam jealous that Master Xehanort chose Ven over him? Did Master Xehanort promise Marluxia/Lauriam that he could become his apprentice if he became one of his vessels?
11) Luxord. To me, Luxord is a very mysterious character. I don't feel as though we know as much about him when compared to various other members of the original Organisation XIII. From his more kind-hearted nature towards Roxas, it would seem that Luxord was far from falling into deep darkness, as he can show kindness (in some way) – he even cries, “How could you Roxas?” when Sora defeats him. Then again, he did appear very loyal to Xemnas, as the purpose Luxord’s final battle with Sora in ‘Kingdom Hearts II’ is to prevent Sora from reaching Xemnas. Returning to the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ world in ‘Kingdom Hearts III’, Luxord’s pale blue eyes have been replaced with yellow. My guess is Luxord’s loyalty to Xemnas and the ideologies of the Organisation is what convinced Luxord to allow his heart to become a vessel for Master Xehanort.
12) Vanitas. Throughout ‘Birth by Sleep’ Vanitas appears to be easily led by Master Xehanort. Vanitas does everything the Master says, without question. He already has a dark heart, being as he is the dark half of Ventus’ heart. Combining his loyalty to Master Xehanort and his ability to control the Unversed, would this not make for a great vessel for the Master? I know that Vanitas’ existence ceased when Ventus fragmented his heart, however if/when Ventus’ heart is restored, might this revive Vanitas too? If so, I doubt Master Xehanort would pass up an opportunity to create a vessel out of this character, created from pure darkness.
13) I am leaving position thirteen open, as I do believe that this spot could be for a number of people. Could it be Ventus? Now that Master Xehanort has made a vessel out of Aqua, could he be using Aqua to find Ventus in order to make a vessel out of him too? Could it be Roxas? Xemnas and Young Xehanort seem keen on bringing Roxas back. Are they planning to make a vessel out of him? Could it be Replica Riku? Having made an appearance in one of the ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ trailers, might Replica Riku play a big part in ‘Kingdom Hearts III’. After all, he is his own character and has his heart deep in darkness. Could he be the ultimate vessel for Master Xehanort? Will Replica Riku face Riku in one of the final battles? Could it be Lea? Will Axel/Lea’s heart be dragged back to the darkness, because of his old friend Isa/Saïx or due to Roxas’ return? Now that Lea can wield a keyblade, will the Organisation recruit him back? Could the thirteenth spot be left for Sora? Although I would hate to think that our hero (whom we have been following for the last sixteen years) will give his heart to Master Xehanort – he almost did in ‘Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance’, so what is stopping it from happening again? Tetsuya Nomura has already revealed that long fans of the ‘Kingdom Hearts’ series will find the ending hard to accept. So, will Sora join the darkness? Will he be destroyed at the very end of ‘Kingdom Hearts III’?
I would love to know your thoughts on this. Do you agree with my list? Is there anyone I missed? Who do you think will be the thirteen ‘Seekers of Darkness’? Do you believe that Sora might become a vessel to Master Xehanort? Do you believe we may lose or faithful hero? Let me know what you think.
- Josie -
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